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![]() Scholarship and Accuracy. "Remembering Dangerously" & Hoult v. Hoult: The Myth of Repressed Memory that Elizabeth Loftus Created by Jennifer Hoult, Esq. How to cite this webpage: Jennifer Hoult, "Remembering Dangerously" & Hoult v. Hoult: The Myth of Repressed Memory that Elizabeth Loftus Created (2005 & 2014), available at http://www.rememberingdangerously.com. Several pages of "Remembering Dangerously" responded to a 1994 article by Nobel-Prize-winning neurobiologist Eric Kandel and Minouche Kandel. The Kandels' article discussed the neurological mechanisms that cause repression and recovered memory, citing the landmark child sexual abuse case of Hoult v. Hoult as an example of genuine traumatic amnesia and recovered memory.[5] Hoult v. Hoult involved allegations by an adult woman, Jennifer Hoult, who claimed that her father, former Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") professor David Hoult, had repeatedly sexually abused and raped her during her childhood. Hoult alleged she recovered her memory of the abuse when she was an adult. After hearing six days of testimony during the 1993 trial, the jury unanimously found David liable for abusing his daughter. Their decision was upheld in every appeal David pursued. Loftus, who was not involved in Hoult v. Hoult, later wrote that she was "appalled when [she] read [this] incomplete and misleading summary" of the case.[6] In contrast with the Kandels, Loftus cited the case as an example of unreliable and implausible recovered memories.[7] Loftus characterized "Remembering Dangerously" as "scholarly" and "strictly accurate,"[8] and claimed that she had simply published facts about the case that the Kandels had omitted in order to provide readers with a complete understanding of the facts.[9] Since Loftus' article continues to be widely disseminated and cited in support of the idea that recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse are highly suspect, her scholarship bears examination. Consider the evidence for Loftus' scholarship and accuracy:
While Loftus cited the entire Hoult v. Hoult trial transcript as her primary source,[11] she subsequently testified under oath that she neither obtained nor read the entire trial transcript. Instead, she relied on an excerpted document of unverified authenticity that was purported to be a portion of the trial transcript; a document that she received from an undisclosed source.[12] Loftus' only other cited source was correspondence with and an article by New York Newsday reporter Glenn Kessler.[13] Mr. Kessler did not attend the Hoult v. Hoult trial. He also did not obtain or read the complete trial transcript.[13a] Loftus did not cite any personal correspondence with the defendant, formerly tenured MIT professor David Hoult, his attorneys, or his second wife, Zene Athens Hoult, as sources for her article. Loftus did not contact or interview the plaintiff's attorneys or any of her witnesses: Hoult, her former boyfriend, her therapist, her mother, her paternal aunt, or expert witness Dr. Renee Brant. She did not contact or interview any of the other individuals who alleged sexual abuse by David Hoult. Finally, she did not contact or interview any of Hoult's three siblings. top of page Although Loftus was not involved in the case, after writing "Remembering Dangerously," she wrote that she had been "appalled" by the Kandels' description of the case. Loftus claimed the Kandels' article was "incomplete and misleading," and explained that she wrote about the case because she felt "readers were entitled to know" "critical information" [14] that the Kandels had not disclosed. Compare the alleged facts Loftus believed cast doubt on the veracity of the child sexual abuse reported in the case with the Hoult v. Hoult trial testimony evidence:
Consider how Loftus' alteration, misrepresentation, and omission of the facts of Hoult v. Hoult created the appearance of suggestion and implausibility. Altering the Historical Sequence of Trauma and Symptoms:
Implication by association: Associating Hoult v. Hoult with sixteenth and seventeenth century witch trials,[91] allegations satanic abuse,[92] and one unverifiable story of an allegedly suggestive therapist,[93] Loftus implied an underlying contextual similarity between these subjects. Like most child sexual abuse, Hoult's abuse did not involve eyewitnesses or medical documentation of venereal disease or scarring. The corroboration for Hoult's memories came from a complex set of "compelling behavioral clues," common in cases of child abuse involving secrecy and threats,[94] including her credibility, the details of her memories, the historical sequence of the trauma and her symptoms, material she always remembered, her spontaneous flashbacks of abuse, and the resolution of her symptoms following her recovery of memory of the abuse. The only people for whom Hoult's memory was "dangerous" were her father, who was held accountable for his repeated rape and sexual abuse of his child, and other child sex offenders who may face legal accountability based on the legal precedents set by this case. top of page Loftus was and remains a Scientific Advisory Board member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation ("FMSF"), a small organization founded in 1992 by an accused incest offender and his wife.[95] The organization advocates for accused and proven child sex offenders and their supporters.[96] In 1992, the FMSF coined and promoted the term "false memory syndrome" to describe false recovered memories of child sexual abuse implanted by psychotherapists. Over a decade later, there is no evidence that "false memory syndrome" exists, and it is not recognized as an existing medical syndrome by the American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, or the American Psychiatric Association. Many studies now demonstrate the existence of repression and recovered memory, the biological mechanisms that explain their occurrence, and the fact that recovered memories are no more or less reliable than continuous memory.[98] Loftus' only research in this field found a 19% rate of repression among victims of child sexual abuse. Defendant David Hoult and his second wife, Zene Athens Hoult, have reported membership in the FMSF, and David's lawyer Ed Collins has voiced his longtime support for FMSF views through his supportive published comments on the "Witchhunt" listserv.[100] Loftus did not cite connections to or interviews with David, his second wife Zene Athens Hoult, or David's attorneys as sources for "Remembering Dangerously." top of page Professional Ethics Complaints Against Loftus Learning of Loftus' article, in 1995, Hoult filed a professional ethics complaint against Loftus with the American Psychological Association ("APA") alleging that Loftus misrepresented the facts of Hoult v. Hoult in "Remembering Dangerously." Before the APA began its investigation of Hoult's ethics complaint, Raymond D. Fowler, then-APA Executive Officer, believing that investigation of the complaint would severely damage the APA, "got word" to Loftus notifying her of the existence of Hoult's complaint. After receiving Fowler's notice, Loftus resigned from the APA by fax. Her resignation revoked the organization's jurisdiction over the matter, thereby barring any investigation.[100a] Since her resignation, Loftus has repeatedly sworn under oath that she had no knowledge of the existence of Hoult's ethics complaint prior to her resignation from the APA.[100b] In 1996, Hoult filed a similar ethics complaint against Loftus with the British Psychological Association ("BPS"). The BPS ultimately concluded that Loftus' conduct in writing the article "was not such as to amount to professional misconduct." The BPS sent a copy of Hoult's complaint to Loftus on April 30, 1996. According to the BPS, Loftus was the only person to whom they sent the complaint. Nine days after the BPS sent a copy of her ethics complaint to Loftus, David filed a libel suit against Hoult based entirely on, and citing from, Hoult's ethics complaints against Loftus. Since the BPS sent the complaint to no one other than Loftus, it appears that Loftus provided David and/or Ed Collins with the ethics complaint. David filed the libel suit in both Massachusetts and in Florida.[101] Both cases were ultimately dismissed.[102] On appeal, the First Circuit held that the jury in the original case had necessarily found that David "repeatedly raped" Hoult.[103] In 1999, David's Florida attorney, Camille Iurillo, was sanctioned under Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for filing the Florida libel suit after the Massachusetts libel suit had been dismissed. Ed Collins provided legal counsel for Hoult in both cases. Concurrent with the libel suits, FMSF members and their supporters began publishing and widely disseminating false statements about Hoult. They internationally circulated unfounded claims that Hoult was unemployed, suicidal, friendless, and without contact with her family.[104] Email records indicate that William Hagerbaumer disseminated materials Loftus circulated on the internet regarding the ethics complaints.[105] Material contained in those emails and emails by other FMSF members then appeared the media. For example, newspapers around the U.S. published Associated Press reporter Tim Klass' claim that the APA had found Hoult's ethics complaint to be "baseless."[106] Klass claimed his sources were Loftus' University of Washington Department Chairman, Michael Beecher, APA President Raymond Fowler, and "anonymous email."[106a] Both Fowler and Beecher denied being sources for this information. The Associated Press later issued a correction. Psychology Today reporter Jill Niemark, who never read Hoult's complaint[106a], reported that the APA complaint, "when studied, [was] baseless."[107] In response, some individuals began to defend Hoult on the internet. At a NATO conference in June 1996, Loftus told psychologist Constance Dalenberg to stop defending Hoult on the internet, informing her that David had filed a libel suit against Hoult. Dalenberg understood Loftus to mean that those who flaunt "false memory syndrome" could expect the same treatment Hoult was receiving.[108] The FMSF's publishing arm, Social Issues Resource Series, Inc. ("SIRS"), created posters to promote sales of books on "false memory," illegally using Hoult's photo on the posters without her permission. These posters were disseminated internationally to "libraries, book stores, churches and other public places."[109] After Hoult's attorneys protested, SIRS agreed to cease distribution of the posters.[110] Despite these published claims, Hoult was invited to speak at a 1997 Harvard Medical School conference on Psychological Trauma and at the 1997 national conference of the American Psychological Association, and to publish her experience in a journal on psychology and ethics.[111] On April 16, 1999, Loftus publicly apologized to the Hoult at a meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association in Providence, Rhode Island.[112] Nonetheless, Loftus continues to disseminate "Remembering Dangerously." The article is posted on numerous websites and has been republished by Prometheus Books.[113] top of page David retired from MIT in 1996. Following a 1996 bench trial, in 2003 a judge held both David and Zene Athens Hoult liable for multiples counts of fraud ("fraudulent conveyance") for their illegal efforts to prevent Hoult's collection of the jury's damage award.[114] In 2004, Zene paid Hoult over $200,000 to settle her portion of the fraudulent conveyance case. In 2004, David was held in contempt for violating a court order. Rather than appear in court, he became a federal fugitive for several months. After federal marshals arrested him, he pled guilty to criminal contempt, a Class C federal felony, and served a ten month sentence.[114a] At his criminal sentencing he again described molesting the ten year old babysitter. top of page Loftus is frequently employed to testify for violent criminals like the Hillside Strangler and Ted Bundy. She once claimed that she "usually" only worked for individuals she believed were innocent[115], but since making that statement she has worked for the legal defenses of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and child rapist Father Paul Shanley. When criticized, she casts herself as a victim of zealots who oppose science. "'I am used to fighting clean, academic fights, duking it out in the pages of a scientific journal,' Loftus said. 'But when you get into those real-life cases with some of those people who harbor beliefs that, I think, are unsupported by science and they are so wrapped up in their belief of every accusation no matter how dubious it is, they fight dirty.'"[116] As the Kandels' article described, current scientific research clearly demonstrates that traumatic amnesia and recovered memories are well documented phenomena among victims of severe trauma like combat veterans and victims of domestic violence and child abuse. Research also indicates that recovered memories are no more or less accurate than continuous memories.[118] Loftus claims she was herself a victim of child sexual abuse.[120] Describing her abuser, she wrote, "I hate your guts," saying he "betrayed [her] trust, stole [her] innocence, and put an indelible impression, a bad, black memory into the place where only good, warm, happy memories should be."[121] Alternately she has said her molestation was, "...not that big a deal."[122] Loftus is critical of the memories of victims who have proven their claims in courts of law, but she protects her own memory from investigation or critique by withholding the name of her alleged abuser. While she claims continuous memory of the molestation she alleges, Loftus' description that her memory of the incident "flew out at [her], out of the darkness of the past, hitting [her] with full force,"[123] bears striking similarity to descriptions of flashbacks by Hoult and others who report traumatic amnesia. Furthermore, like Hoult and many other victims of sexual abuse, Loftus reports no eyewitnesses or medical records of abuse, and a twenty year lag in her reporting of the abuse.[124] While Loftus passionately supports defendants' claims of innocence and attacks victims' memories, she expects the public and press to believe her claim without the investigation and kinds of corroboration she expects of other victims. Without providing her alleged abuser the chance to deny her claim, she denies him a chance to exonerate himself, shields herself from any possible claim that hers is a "false memory," and prevents other potential victims from being warned that he may be a threat. Loftus denigrates "uncritical acceptance" of other victims' claims,[125] but expects uncritical acceptance in her own case. Since she has "no proof or evidence of guilt other than the word of the accuser,"[126] it appears Loftus cannot satisfy the standard she applies to others.[127] Under her standard, if her alleged offender denied the molestation, as most sex offenders do, he ought to be believed and her memory deemed "false." "Interview the [accused]," she says about other cases, but not her own.[128] top of page Scholarship is based on complete and accurate facts. In court, witnesses are sworn to "tell the whole truth" because justice, like scholarship, is based on the complete truth. Omission, alteration, and misrepresentation of facts are the machinations of propaganda, not of science or scholarship. There is now ample evidence that some victims of serious trauma experience amnesia and subsequent recall of memories of violence.[129] Accused sex offenders and their supporters disseminate "Remembering Dangerously" to encourage the public to disbelieve victims of sexual violence and thereby protect sex offenders from the danger that their victims' memories may result in their being held legally accountable. Loftus is correct that each case must be closely examined on its own merits. Victims and defendants should reasonably expect a thorough and fair analysis of all the relevant facts of their cases. Thus, as an alleged victim who creates and disseminates material designed to "...trivialize the genuine memories of abuse and increase the suffering of real victims who wish and deserve, more than anything else, just to be believed,"[130] Loftus should subject her personal allegation of sexual abuse to the same standard she applies to others. _______________________________ [1] Elizabeth Loftus, Sara Polonsky, & Mindy Thompson Fullilove, "Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Remembering and Repressing," 18 Psychol. of Women Quarterly, 67-84 (1994). This is the only study Loftus has published on victims of child sexual abuse. [2] Loftus is currently a professor of social ecology at University of California at Irvine. [3] Elizabeth Loftus, "Remembering Dangerously," The Skeptical Inquirer, 20-29 (March/April 1995). (available at http://www.faculty.washington.edu/eloftus/Articles/witchhunt.html (last visited May 1, 2005) and at http://www.fsmfonline.org (last visited May 1, 2005) [Hereinafter "RD"]. The Skeptical Inquirer is a non-peer-reviewed magazine affiliated with CSICOP. [4] RD at 20. [5] Minouche Kandel & Eric Kandel, "Flights of Memory," Discover, 32-38 (1994). The Kandels pointed out that child abuse cases often lack "independent evidence" due to the secretive nature of the abuse and perpetrators' common threats to dissuade children from reporting. Thus such cases often rely primarily on victims' memories. However, the Kandels noted that "compelling behavioral clues" may also provide evidentiary support for allegations. Id. at 38. Like other victims of serious trauma, abused children often develop particular patterns of symptomatic sequelae in response to psychological trauma. Thorough investigations evaluate not only the victim's memory, but also the evolution of any symptoms that may reflect psychological trauma dating back to childhood. For example, an abused child might exhibit otherwise unexplained signs of psychological distress after the onset of abuse. Such symptoms would likely abate following treatment for the effects of the abuse. In contrast, a child who reported abuse that had never happened would be unlikely to have a history of trauma sequelae dating back to childhood. Instead they might develop signs of distress following the genesis of their false report. [6] Describing professional ethics complaints filed against her, and discussed infra, Loftus wrote, "...The second complaint, according to the malicious column mentioned above, apparently came from a woman who also 'recovered' memories of being violently abused for more than a decade. According to a 1993 report by an investigative journalist for New York Newsday, her memories 'led her to believe he raped her as many as 3,000 times between the ages of 6 and 16.' I have never met this woman, and had no involvement in her court case, but I was appalled when I read an incomplete and misleading summary of this case in a science magazine. Based upon material from actual court transcripts, I tried to correct these misimpressions in a subsequent scholarly article. Because I have not seen this woman's complaint, I do not know which statements caused offense, but, once again, I can say emphatically that so far as I am aware, all of my statements [in "Remembering Dangerously"] were strictly accurate..." Written correspondence, Elizabeth Loftus to Raymond Fowler (Feb. 22, 1996)(emailed from Loftus distributed by Hagerbaumer to the ABUSE-L@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU listserv on Mar. 16, 1996)(emphasis added). Hagerbaumer published the fact that his daughter accused him of sodomizing her, and admitted to sodomizing his wife while she was asleep. Email published on WITCHNT@MITVMA.MIT.EDU, William Hagerbaumer (Jan. 22, 1996)( stating "...The only times I had anal sex with my first wife were while she was asleep (or pretending to be asleep)...my middle daughter [has] falsely [accused] me of having anal sex with her when she was 10. I never did that or anything else sexual to any of my daughters..."). In most states, vaginal or anal intercourse with a sleeping or unconscious person constitutes a crime of sexual assault. WITCHHNT is a pro-FMSF listserve that was begun in the year after the jury verdict in Hoult v. Hoult, and maintained on the educational computer facilities of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ("MIT") Chemical Engineering Department by Jonathan Harris. The engineering liquid-2-sun.mit.edu pages, where WITCHHNT was posted, deals with materials and liquids research. David Hoult retired from MIT in 1996. Jonathan Harris also left MIT in 1996. Harris listserve was maintained at MIT until Dec. 1997, when it was moved to another internet location. [7] RD at 26 (claiming Hoult v. Hoult "might not be proof" of a "corroborated de-repressed memory"). [8] See infra fn 6. [9] Seignious v. Fair, I Deposition of Elizabeth Loftus, 163-164 (Jan. 22, 1998)("...all I was doing was adding the facts that I found that were left out by [the Kandels]"). [10] Seignious v. Fair, I Deposition of Elizabeth Loftus, 163-164 (Jan. 22, 1998). [11] RD at 29. [12] Seignious v. Fair, I Deposition of Elizabeth Loftus, 158-159 (Jan. 22, 1998). [13] Loftus' citation to Kessler's article is incorrect. Elizabeth Loftus, "Remembering Dangerously," The Skeptical Inquirer, 29 (March/April 1995)(citing Glenn Kessler, "Memories of Abuse," Newsday, 1, 5, 51-55 (Nov. 28 1993)(the correct citation is Glen Kessler, "Hidden Horrors: Courts Wrestle Over Abuse Cases," NY Newsday, Nov. 28, 7, 46-47 (Nov. 28 1993)). It is possible that Loftus' source of this inaccurate citation was the SIRS poster promoting the commercial sales of books on "false memory syndrome." The poster displayed superimposed newspaper clippings, including a portion of the Kessler article, illegally using Hoult's photo without her permission. However, the Kessler article was displayed without its title, and superimposed on an article that appeared to be entitled, "Memories of Abuse." It is unclear whether Loftus ever obtained or read Kessler's cited article. Skeptical Inquirer editor Kendrick Frazier stated that the Skeptical Inquirer provided no editorial fact-checking for "Remembering Dangerously," relying solely on Loftus for its factual veracity. Phone conversation, Kendrick Frazier, editor, Skeptical Inquirer (Albuquerque, NM 1996). [13a] Mr. Kessler told Hoult that he did not attend the trial, and had not obtained or read the entire trial transcript. Phone conversation, Glenn Kessler (Sept. 1996). [14] RD at 26. [15] Id. at 27. [16] Hoult v. Hoult, Judgment, 5 (Case No. 94-2034, 1st Cir. May 22, 1995)("With respect to her qualifications as an expert in the areas of general psychiatry, child psychiatry, and childhood sexual abuse, Dr. Brant testified that she: is a graduate of the Harvard Medical School; has a private psychiatric practice; was a founder of the sexual abuse unit at Children's Hospital; holds a joint appointment as an instructor of medical students at Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School; serves as a consultant on the treatment of children who have been sexually abused; has lectured widely on the issue of the treatment and diagnosis of children who have suffered sexual abuse; and has served as an expert witness in several other actions.") [17] Id. at 15. [18] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Renee Brant, 12-13 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [19] Id. at 111-126. [20] Id. at 13. [21] RD at 27. [22] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 59-100 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [23] Since the burden of proof in a civil case is on the plaintiff, the legal goal of the defense is to discredit or disprove the plaintiff's evidence through rigorous cross-examination. It is thus a common defense strategy to focus on cross-examination instead of presentation of witnesses. [24] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Cross-Examination of Jennifer Hoult, 162-285 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [25] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Cross-Examination of Renee Brant (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 25 & 28 1993). [26] RD at 27. [27] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 90 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [28] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 59-100 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [29] Id. at 78-82. [30] Id. at 88. In David's subsequent defamation suit against Hoult, he incorrectly identified Hoult's date of birth. Hoult v. Hoult, Complaint, 4, CA 96-10970 RCL (May 9, 1996). [31] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 78-79 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [32] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Hoult's mother, 94-97 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [33] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David's sister, 25-26 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [34] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 82-83 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [35] In a court-ordered settlement effort known as a summary trial, David prevailed without any witnesses. A summary trial is a non-binding exercise that allows the attorneys from each side to describe to a mock jury the evidence they will present at trial. The summary trial jury does not hear any actual witnesses, so they cannot judge credibility. After each side summarizes their evidence, the mock jury makes a non-binding determination about the case. [36] RD at 27. [37] Minouche Kandel & Eric Kandel, "Flights of Memory," Discover, 32 (1994). [38] Nadean Cool et al v. Legion Insurance Co., Trial Testimony of Elizabeth Loftus, 192-194 (. (Wisc. Cir. Court Outagamie County, Case No. 94CV0707, Feb. 20, 1997). [39] Seignious v. Fair, I Deposition of Elizabeth Loftus, 157-158 (Jan. 22, 1998). [40] RD at 26. [41] Id. [42] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 47-54 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22, 1993). [43] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 137-147 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). Victims of child abuse often develop psychological symptoms following the abuse. These symptoms may abate once the abuse has stopped, and following psychological treatment. Thus, the likely order of events in cases of recovered memory involving real abuse is: abuse, symptoms, end of abuse, memory of abuse, treatment, resolution of symptoms. In cases where individuals report abuse that never happened, stimulated by a therapist's suggestion, the likely order of events would be: treatment, memory of abuse, symptoms. Just as a foot pierced by a shard of glass heals only once the shard is removed, Hoult's longstanding symptoms of trauma, including nightmares, insomnia, panic attacks, low self esteem, and terror, began during her childhood following the beginning of David's abuse. Her symptoms abated only after the abuse had ended and Hoult remembered and dealt with the abuse. Although the evidence at trial showed that the sequence of events followed the pattern of cases of real abuse, Loftus altered the sequence of historical facts creating the appearance of the pattern expected from cases involving unfounded, therapeutically suggested memories of abuse. [44] RD at 27-28. [45] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 128-135 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [46] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Cross-Examination of Jennifer Hoult, 261-262 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [47] Id. [48] RD at 28. [49] Id. at 20. [50] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 66 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [51] RD at 28. Loftus noted that Hoult was "involved in years of therapy." It is hardly surprising that a woman whose father raped her repeatedly for over a decade might need substantial therapy to overcome the resulting trauma. [52] Id. at 27. [53] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22-24, 1993); Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Hoult's former boyfriend, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993); Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Hoult's therapist, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 28, 1993). [54] RD at 27. [55] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 150-151 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [56] RD at 27. [57] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 148-149 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [58] RD at 27. [59] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Cross-Examination of Jennifer Hoult, 176-177 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [60] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Redirect of Jennifer Hoult, 289-290 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [61] RD at 26-27. [62] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 58-59 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22, 1993). [63] RD at 27; Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 55-58, 49 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22, 1993); see also Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22-24, 1993); Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Renee Brant, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24-28, 1993); Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Hoult's former boyfriend, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993); Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Hoult's therapist, passim (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 28, 1993). [64] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 58-59 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22, 1993). [65] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Redirect of Jennifer Hoult, 286-288 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [65a] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Redirect of Jennifer Hoult, 286-288 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [66] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David's sister (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993); Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Hoult's mother (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 28-29, 1993). [67] RD at 27. [68] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 88-89 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [69] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 39-40 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22, 1993). [70] Id. at 42-43. [71] RD at 27. [72] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 88-90 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993)(Asked if he was concerned that his wife was in the house at the time he molested the ten- year-old babysitter, David testified, "I don't think I was thinking about that."). [73] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of David Hoult, 62-64 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 29, 1993). [74] RD at 27. [75] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 125-127 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [76] RD at 27. [77] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 107-110 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [78] RD at 27. [79] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 91-92 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [80] RD at 27. [81] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 114 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [82] RD at 27. [83] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 113 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). [84] Id. at 115. [85] Id. at 113. [86] Id. at 114. [87] Id. at 93. [88] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 50 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 22, 1993). [89] RD at 27. [90] Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 122-124 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 23, 1993). Loftus also omitted Hoult's testimony about the expansive definition of "rape" Hoult used when making her earlier estimates, and the reason she later used a more restrictive definition. Id. at 135-136; Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Cross-Examination of Jennifer Hoult, 217-219, 227-247, 260-261 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993). [91] RD at 20, 24-26. [92] Id. at 21-22. [93] Id. at 22-24. This story is uncited, and thus unverifiable. [94] Minouche Kandel & Eric Kandel, "Flights of Memory," Discover, 38 (1994). [95] Mike Stanton, "U-Turn on Memory Lane," Columbia Journalism Review, 44-49, 45 (July/Aug. 1997) available at http://archives.cjr.org/year/97/4/memory.asp. [96] The FMSF has identified its primary goal as influencing the media. Id. at 47 (quoting Katherine Beckett). FMSF members and leaders have attempted to discourage and discredit victims of childhood sexual abuse and legal and psychological professionals who support them through various means including stalking, personal threats, and legal harassment. See e.g. "The Science and Politics of Recovered Memory," Ethics & Behavior 8(2) (1998) (detailing some of the national efforts of FMSF leaders and members to discredit scientific and psychological professionals, and victims of childhood sexual violence). The FMSF Scientific Advisory board has included Ralph Underwager and Hollida Wakefield, who published their supportive views of pedophilic sex in a journal which has the editorial goal of demonstrating that pedophilia is a "legitimate and productive part of the totality of the human experience." Interview: Hollida Wakefield and Ralph Underwager, Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, Vol. 3, No. 1, Issue 9, 12 (Winter 1993). After psychologist Anna Salter described Underwager as "a hired gun who makes a living by deceiving judges about the state of medical knowledge and thus assisting child molesters to evade punishment," he sued her for defamation. He lost the case on a summary judgment. In 1994, the Seventh Circuit upheld the grant of summary judgment, finding no evidence of actual malice by Salter. Underwager v. Salter, 22 F.3d 730 (7th Cir.), cert. denied, 115 S. Ct. 351 (1994)(cited in Cynthia Bowman & Elizabeth Mertz, A Dangerous Direction: Legal Intervention in Sexual Abuse Survivor Litigation, 109 Harv. L. Rev. 551, 622 n 392 (1996). [98] To read about 96 well-corroborated cases involving traumatic amnesia and recovered memory, visit http://www.RecoveredMemory.org. For the scientific studies documenting traumatic amnesia, repression, recovered memory, and the reliability of recovered memory, see Daniel Brown, Alan Scheflin, & Corydon Hammond, Memory, Trauma, Treatment, and the Law (1998) & Traumatic Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society (Bessel van der Kolk, Alexander McFarlane, and Lars Weisaeth, eds. 1996). [99] See infra fn 1. [100] See infra fn 6. [100a] Gerald P. Koocher, Research Ethics and Private Harms, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, May 28, 2014, at 7-9 (available at http://jiv.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/05/28/0886260514534986). [100b] See e.g. Elizabeth F. Loftus Deposition Transcript, Paul Liano v. Roman Catholic Church of the Diocese of Phoenix et al., No. CV2004-012151, 68: 10-24 (Ariz. Super. Ct. January 4, 2007); Elizabeth F. Loftus Deposition Transcript, Vickie Turner v. Linda Honker, No. 95-03624, 109:7-10 (Texas Dist. Ct. July 10, 1996). [101] Hoult v. Hoult, Complaint, (U.S.D.C. Mass. CA 96-10970 RCL, May 9, 1996). David filed the Florida libel suit in an unsuccessful bankruptcy suit he filed in an attempt to avoid paying the judgment. Ultimately, the Florida bankruptcy court held that the judgment, being based on acts involving intentional harm, was not dischargeable. [102] Hoult v. Hoult, Order on Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration (U.S.D.C. Mass. CA 96-10970 RCL, June 30, 1997); The final judgment of the Florida Bankruptcy Court was entered on Oct. 29, 1999. [103] Hoult v. Hoult, Order on Defendant's Motion for Reconsideration, 6 (U.S.D.C. Mass. June 30, 1997). [104] Jennifer Hoult, "Silencing the Victim: The Politics of Discrediting Child Abuse Survivors," Ethics & Behavior 8(2), 125-140 (1998). See also Hoult v. Hoult, Trial Transcript, Testimony of Jennifer Hoult, 159 (U.S.D.C. Mass., CA No. 88-1738-M June 24, 1993)(describing her close relationship with her mother and siblings). [105] Email from William Hagerbaumer published on WITCHNT@MITVMA.MIT.EDU (Jan. 22, 1996)(stating "...The only times I had anal sex with my first wife were while she was asleep (or pretending to be asleep)...my middle daughter [has] falsely [accused] me of having anal sex with her when she was 10. I never did that or anything else sexual to any of my daughters..."). See infra fn 6. [106] See e.g. Tim Klass, "Memory Wars," published in The Peoria Journal Star (Sept. 1, 1996); The Lancaster Sunday News (Aug. 18, 1996); The Albuquerque Journal (Aug. 18, 1996); The Daily Reflector, Greenville, NC; The Raleigh News and Observer; The Danbury News Times (Aug. 18, 1996). [106a]Phone conversation, Tim Klass (1996). [106a] Ms. Niemark told Hoult that she had not read the ethics complaint or the trial transcripts, and was not interested in receiving or reading these documents. Phone conversation, Jill Niemark (March 1996). [107] Jill Niemark, "Dispatch From the Memory War," Psychology Today, 6-8 (March/April 1996). [108] Email correspondence, Constance Dalenberg (June 30, 1996). [109] SIRS Press Release signed by Eleanor Goldstein. [110] Written correspondence, Michelle Burke-Shoeppl, Esq., legal counsel for SIRS (Sept. 24, 1996). [111] Jennifer Hoult, "Silencing the Victim: The Politics of Discrediting Child Abuse Survivors," Ethics & Behavior 8(2), 125-140 (1998). [112] "Recovered Memories: True and False," Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychol. Ass'n, Providence, Rhode Island (April 16, 1999)(Loftus stated: "I can say that I am very sorry if you feel that I misrepresented the case in the three short paragraphs that I took to write about this case in an otherwise much longer article. I'm, although I know that you have been publicly talking about your case, I'm sorry that this has created any additional pain for you."). Loftus' coverage of Hoult v. Hoult spans three pages of her nine page article. [113] While Loftus described her article as commentary on the Kandel's article, their article rarely appears on websites citing "Remembering Dangerously." Child Sexual Abuse and False Memory Syndrome (Robert A. Baker, ed. 1998). Baker is retired from the University of Kentucky, and lives in Lexington, KY. [114] Hoult v Hoult, Final Judgment Regarding Fraudulent Conveyances and Contempt (Mar. 24, 2003). [114a] http://www.florida-mugshot-search.com/Counties/Hillsborough-County/David-Parks-Hoult.12832351.html. [115] Kathryn Robinson, "Memories of Abuse," Seattle Weekly, 22 (Aug. 11, 1993). [116] Erica Shen, "Loftus Testifies in High-Profile Lawsuits," The New University Newspaper, UC Irvine (Feb. 21, 2005). [118] See e.g. Daniel Brown, Alan Scheflin, & Corydon Hammond, Memory, Trauma, Treatment, and the Law (1998). [120] Elizabeth Loftus, The Myth of Repressed Memory, 226 (1994). [121] Elizabeth Loftus, Witness for the Defense: The Accused, The Eyewitness, and the Expert Who Puts Memory on Trial, 152 (1991). [122] Psychology Today, 73 (Jan./Feb. 1996). [123] Elizabeth Loftus, Witness for the Defense: The Accused, The Eyewitness, and the Expert Who Puts Memory on Trial, 149-152(1991). [124] Seignious v. Fair, I Deposition of Elizabeth Loftus, 105-106 (Jan. 22, 1998). [125] RD at 29. [126] Id. at 20. [127] Elizabeth Loftus, The Myth of Repressed Memory, 214 (1994)(describing "cogent corroboration" as "medical records indicating venereal disease or obvious scarring of delicate tissues"). [128] Psychology Today, 80 (Jan./Feb. 1996). [129] See infra fn 82. [130] RD at 29. top of page |
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